Weekly Photo Tracker
Keep track of your journaling goals with weekly summaries displaying picture tiles. Zoom out on your life… but just a little.

Happyfeed is a way to track your days through pictures, short reflections, and simple sharing options. As you accumulate memories in the app, it becomes increasingly important to expose ways to explore and summarize your past moments - to keep your favorites top-of-mind. The Weekly Photo Tracker is the latest feature that provides a sense of your progress with daily pictures. It also opens up a whole new screen that we can fill with tools like the Movie Maker, a goal tracker, and weekly summaries.
After a somewhat slow summer of improving app infrastructure and security updates like a Sign in with Apple button, I’m excited to launch something fresh and intuitive.

Currently, this update is only available on iOS, but I’ll be adding it and related features, like the Movie Maker for Android in the upcoming months. Only so much one person can do!
Daily Pictures from Your Week
One of the main use cases for Happyfeed is as a simple, beautiful day tracker. Add a picture or short text each day and build up an impressive streak. After a few months, you’ll fall in love with throwbacks, the Happiness Jar, and the Calendar view. But what about the short term? What about someone on day 3 or day 10?
The new weekly photo tracker lives on top of the Moments tab and shows an overview of your week with photo tiles. It starts on Monday and ends on Sunday – not like all calendars, but how most of us experience life. If you’ve uploaded a photo or video for a day, it’ll appear in that tile. This creates a clear sense of weekly progress.
- Tap a tile to see all the moments for that day and even upload new memories (if you’re a Plus subscriber).
- Photos and videos are randomly selected from memories on each day tile – with autoplay on video content.
- Skipped days appear with a line through them and completed days without media are colored to indicate completeness
- Choose between “This week” and “Last week” in case you forgot to reflect on Sunday.
It’s a way to zoom out just a little more than on the uploader screen but not quite as much as the Calendar. It’s the mama bear of journaling progress 🐻
Weekly Summaries
What did you do last weekend? What about last week? What were some of the highlights? You know you did something but it’s not always easy to come up with a quick answer. Weekly Summaries are your reminder of the little things that punctuate your life.
The Weekly Summary view offers a way to dive a little deeper into your week. You can get to it by tapping the arrow icon in the empty day tile after Sunday. This screen shows the same photo tiles for each day but with additional space for more features. To start, I’m keeping the Summary simple – only adding a label to show the current week, e.g. “Week of Oct. 16” and a button to create a photo movie. More on that below.
I’m a strong believer that Sunday nights are a perfect time to reflect. As such, the week ends on Sunday and will appear “completed” only after you’ve finished adding a moment for Sunday. Instead of dreading Monday or thinking about your to-do list, it creates an opportunity to look back on the memories from the prior week.
Next time someone asks you, “What’d you do over the weekend?” Happyfeed has you covered. 😜
Create Photo Movies
Scrolling through your camera roll to remember your week is rough unless you’re some sort of super camera roll curator. Why do I have so many screenshots of food delivery estimates?? Personal photo apps could learn a thing or two from the curated nature of Instagram.
The first major feature available in the weekly photo tracker is an option to build a movie out of all your photos and videos from the week. The new movie maker works like the Monthly Recap Movies released earlier this year.
- Select photos and videos from your week to combine into a single video in any format
- Each photo or video can appear at a rate of one per second (0.5x) to eight per second (4x)
- Tap “Generate” to create a video file you can download and do whatever you like with (even upload to Happyfeed if you want to get meta 🤯)

With settings to change the speed, size, and orientation of photo movies – you have all the options you need to generate something perfect for any kind of sharing you prefer.
Photo movies are saved automatically in a Happyfeed folder on your device – no more scrolling through screenshots and duplicate photos. (And you can 100% post it to Instagram.)
Goal Tracker App & Weekly Motivation
Clear goals give us something to look forward to and strive for. Your goal could be to track your life with a picture a day, to instill more gratitude through daily reflection, or to jot down the highlights of each day to remember special events. Seeing your progress on a daily basis, monthly scale, and (now) weekly tracker can add just enough motivation to keep you going.
With the new Weekly Summary screen, I’ll be adding new features to motivate and help track your progress. Some examples:
- Badges - Fun little awards like “Shared with a friend” or “Took a ton of videos” triggered by a wide range of actions
- Streak notices - A way to show you’re crushing your streak and never missing a day. Perfect streaks aren’t essential, but they can be super motivational.
- Emoji maps - How about a list of all your emojis from the week? Like… my week was 🎃🚙🍩😴🚀🪐👽🧀 (I went pumpkin picking and fell asleep after eating too many donuts and had a dream about going to space and enjoying cheese with aliens.)
Anything else that might give you extra warm fuzzy feelings at the end of a week?
Stop… Savor… Share?
Happyfeed is a little app doing its best to help you stop and savor all the little joys in your life. Building new tools to explore your memories is the best part of my job. I hope this gives you a new opportunity to pause after a long week and look back on details you might’ve otherwise forgotten about.
…Or maybe it’s a way to brag about being in Southern Italy for a week. Did I mention that the photo movies are super simple to share? Either way, enjoy the extra little positive boost.
Have a great week. 😉
October 19, 2023